Interview Questions for weblogic admin

1)  How to take thread dumps?

2) Differeces between major weblogic versions?

3)  What is MSI (managed server independence mode) ?

4)  Weblogic  default ports (for secure and non secure)?

5) How to check running weblogic server process id and also port number ?

6) What is thread dump, Heap dump?

7) How to increase max and min heap values (xms,xmx) ?

8) difference between Jrockit and JDK ?

9)  Types of cluster?

10) what is scalability, loadbalacing, failover ?

11) How to create weblogic server ?

12) out of memory issue ?

13) what is native io ?

14) what is session replication?

15) Types of session replication ?

16)  Types of deployments?

17) what is connection pool?

18) how to increase connection pool size?

19) If you want to give new startup argument as per client request, where you will update?

20) what is JMS?

21) Types of JMS?

22)  how many ways we can create persistent store?

23) what is JDBC, purpose of connection pool?

24) What is JMS module?

25)  why we are using sub deployment?

26) How to check if you have multiple domains in single machine?

Ans) you can check domain-registry.xml file , located under middleware home path.

27) Different types of cluster messaging modes in weblogic?