Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Weblogic JMS configuration basics

Message-Oriented Middleware
The message-oriented middleware became widely used when providers created architectures that could operate in a standard way on a variety of platforms and enabled asynchronous communication between applications. These providers gained popularity in enabling integration of mainframes and personal computers.
Even though there is much competition and variety in message-oriented middleware products, they tend to fall into one of the following categories:
JMS Messaging Models
JMS supports the point-to-point (PTP) and Publish/Subscribe messaging models. The models are very similar, except the following:
The PTP messaging model enables delivery of a message to exactly one recipient.
The Publish/Subscribe messaging model enables delivery of a message to multiple recipients.
Request-reply messaging model is more suited in a synchronous messaging environment where the requester and replier are in conversational mode—the requester waits for a response from the replier before continuing work. It is not explicitly supported in JMS.

Point-To-Point Queue
When using a PTP queue, multiple message producers can put messages onto a single queue. The queue serializes the messages in a linear order. Multiple receivers can take messages off the queue; the messages typically come off in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order; the oldest message on the queue is the first one to be taken off.
A message can be delivered only to one receiver. Receivers are also referred to as consumers.
An example of when to use a PTP queue would be at a call center.
Calls are routed into the network through a PBX. The PBX system places incoming calls onto an Incoming Calls queue. When a service representative is available, the representative requests for the next caller in the system.
The system pulls off the queue the caller who has been waiting the longest (FIFO method) and routes the caller to the service representative.
After the conversation is established between an in-queue customer and a representative, it becomes a synchronous communication. (This is similar to request-reply mode).
This is only an example and, in many cases, the responses are not just pure FIFO but weightings assigned by the organizations.

Publish/Subscribe Topics
Having the publishers publish to a topic rather than directly to a list of subscribers decouples the publishers and subscribers.
By doing this, a publisher is not required to manage the number of subscribers (if any) that must receive the message. By delegating the message delivery work to the message-oriented middleware server (which manages the topic), the publisher does not have to manage the delivery of guaranteed messages, fault tolerance of its production, load balancing, or other issues. By decoupling a subscriber from the publisher, the subscriber does not have to determine whether its publisher is active. If the message-oriented middleware server is executing, the needs of both the publishers and the subscribers are met.
An example of using a Publish/Subscribe topic is a stock ticker application.
A typical system would set up a topic for each stock that is traded on the exchanges.
When a trade is made on a stock, the respective exchange publishes a message to the topic that is associated with the stock traded.
Clients who are interested in receiving updates about the status of their stocks use a program to subscribe to the topics of each stock they are interested in.
When the topic update is recognized, the message server broadcasts the message to all the interested (clients) stock ticker programs.

Oracle WebLogic Server JMS Features
An enterprise messaging system enables applications to asynchronously communicate with one another through the exchange of messages. A message is a request, report, and/or event that contains information needed to coordinate communication between different applications. A message provides a level of abstraction, which allows you to separate the details about the destination system from the application code.
The Oracle WebLogic Server implementation of JMS fully supports the point-to-point and Publish/Subscribe models of the messaging middleware.
Oracle WebLogic Server also provides acknowledgement-based (ACK) guaranteed message delivery (GMD) by enabling persistent storage of messages until the receiver of the message issues an acknowledgement of receipt.
Oracle WebLogic Server JMS uses its built-in support for JDBC and JDBC connection pools to persist JMS messages in a database.
Oracle WebLogic Server supports transactional message delivery. Transactional message delivery gives the developer the ability to put a JMS session into a transaction context. In Oracle WebLogic Server JMS, the message is not visible or available for consumption until the transaction is committed. A session can optionally roll back the transaction, which has the transaction “drop” the messages it had previously buffered.

Oracle WebLogic Server allows clients to register themselves as durable subscribers. A durable subscriber is a client that expects to receive all persistent messages that are sent to a particular destination, whether the client is currently executing or not. If the durable subscriber is not currently executing, Oracle WebLogic Server stores the messages in a persistent store until the durable subscriber reactivates and retrieves the stored messages.

Oracle WLS JMS Architecture
The major components of the WebLogic JMS Server architecture include:
JMS servers that can host a defined set of modules and any associated persistent storage that resides on a WebLogic Server instance. JMS server configuration is stored in the domain config.xml file.
JMS modules that contain configuration resources (such as queues, topics, and connections factories) and are defined by XML documents that conform to the weblogic-jms.xsd schema
Client JMS applications that either produce messages to destinations or consume messages from destinations
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), which provides a resource lookup facility. JMS resources such as connection factories and destinations are configured with a JNDI name. The run-time implementations of these resources are then bound to JNDI using the given names.
WebLogic persistent storage (file store or JDBC-accessible) for storing persistent message data

Typical JMS Messaging Process
In JMS implementations, developers use a connection factory to enable their applications to connect to a queue or topic.
A connection factory is a lightweight object stored on a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) tree that is used to create connections to destinations. A connection is a communication link to the JMS server that is used to create sessions.
A session is used to create senders, receivers, and empty messages. A session is also used to demarcate transactions.
Destination, a lightweight object stored on JNDI, is the target for the messages.

Transacted Messaging
JMS clients can participate in a distributed or local transaction. There are two scenarios:
On the Producer side, a transaction begins and some operations, such as sending messages, are performed. If the transaction commits, all the messages are sent to the destination. If the transaction rolls back, none of the messages arrive at the destination.
On the Consumer side, a transaction begins and some operations, such as processing messages, are performed. If the transaction commits, the processed messages are removed from the destination. If the transaction rolls back, the messages stay in the destination.

JMS Administrative Tasks
As an administrator, you are responsible for configuring and monitoring most aspects of JMS.
The architecture of your system determines the type of JMS destinations to configure. It is your responsibility to monitor the Oracle WebLogic Server JMS and gather statistics. All these administrative tasks are discussed throughout this lesson.

Oracle WLS JMS Implementation
When you implement JMS in WLS, you configure the following JMS resources:
Configure the necessary JMS servers and target them to the appropriate managed servers.
Configure JMS modules.
Within the JMS modules, you define the queue or topic resources.
Then using the subdeployment definitions, target the queues to the appropriate JMS servers.